Airpods max rep purchased at a local wholesale market
I bought it for ~ $85 at a local wholesale market, before that I used max v1.6 for about a year. They were sold in a box for the original, the case was metal, they were available in all colors, the lightning connector for old colors and type C for new ones, the chip is not known to me (they are not available in airreps/flycc/beehool/starfun, also not typical for bluetrum), the sound quality has improved compared to v1.6, the transparency is much better, but it seemed quite strange to me, it is noticeably louder even than the original and louder than I can hear without headphones, noise reduction is better v1.6, but worse about the 2 original, there is support connecting multiple devices, I can't say the autonomy yet, I haven't used much yet