Camera app just pixelated every person in some Photos right after taking them
Hello dear community, I'm going to just get started. The app in question is the standard android camera app. If this is the wrong community to ask, feel free to correct me and redirect me to the right one. So my problem is that we took some photos while on vacation, and literally the only two good ones of today have gotten a wonderful upgrade, which is that everyone of us has just been pixelated from head to toe's... we've been looking for some kind of setting that our friend maybe slipped onto or something but we found nothing, also the other pictures taken before and after that were all completely clear. Google searching it just gave us results on "how to pixelate your photo"... The phone used was a Xiaomi mi 10t lite, running on android 11 and MIUI-Version We have already accepted the fact that we'll probably won't get the Pictures unpixelated, were just interested in what might've caused it.