Elderly dad misses the point of DEI
Several years ago, I, a white woman, started a long-distance relationship with a man who is black, Puerto Rican, and native American. My very conservative family reacted as expected, so when we got engaged, I planned to move to his location, rather than asking him to move to mine.
I still call my dad on the phone once in awhile, because even though I feel that he is a shit human being, he was a decent dad, and since my mom died recently, I do feel sorry for him, being alone.
I tried to call my dad on Christmas day, but he was at a family gathering, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him until today. He was telling me about his grandson (my nephew), who is in college and planning to be a dentist. Apparently, my dad has a friend who is a dentist, and he tried to pull some strings to get my nephew into some prestigious internship.
Except, the friend told him that his practice now has DEI requirements, so he can't guarantee anything, because he has to have a certain number of interns who aren't white. So of course, my dad was grumbling about my nephew missing out on this opportunity because of woke nonsense. I knew there was no point in arguing with him, because he wouldn't change his mind. But I was thinking to myself about how this is the exact thing that DEI is trying to prevent. Here is my dad trying to pull strings with a friend to get my nephew in this internship, when many non-white candidates would not have those same connections. So DEI helps those candidates who don't have family connections to rely on. It's a prime example of the saying that people on top view equality as oppression.
EDIT: I wasn't trying to start a debate on the general merits of DEI. I was pointing out the irony in my dad's complaint, which isn't that it's a way of gaming the system, but rather that it prevented him from gaming the system in his grandson's favor.