Calgary tech job market, where is it?

Whelp. I feel silly even posting this, as there seems to be many people stuggling to even get their foot in the door here in tech. For years I've been under the impression that Calgary was growing it's tech scene, while I've not been envovled in Calgary tech, I see I may have been a bit mistaken with that assumption.

I'm rooting for ya'll. Lets vote/try to pressure government for more grants and funding for tech startups here in Alberta.

I work for a software company from the USA, pays nice, remote is fine, but I do miss going into a office and having work friends. After 7 years, I'm just burnt out of this job.

I want to quit my job, but the job market in Calgary is keeping me paralyzed. I'd love to get a chiller job, ideally hybrid or non-remote, (I don't hate remote, just over the isolation it can cause) -even at a paycut I'd be happy. But inorder to pay the mortgage I don't think I can leave the tech industry.

Job hunting over the last few months for Calgary based tech jobs feeling pretty hopeless.

Feels like I'm forced to move to Vancouver or Toronto to get a stable job in the tech industry. Anyone else in tech, in Calgary feel this way?