I genuinely can't bring myself to watch "Summertime Rendering" despite the good reviews, and it's a great case study on why I absolutely abhor fanservice

Edit: To clarify, I have no authority to say anything on the show's quality as a whole, but I'm merely discussing why the first impressions are poor (to say the least).

I don't know how many of y'all have heard of the anime, but Summertime Rendering is highly regarded as a mystery thriller anime (by many people; the validity of that isn't the point). The thing is, from all the things I've heard of it, I was really looking forward to watching the show. It looked like it had great visuals and concepts... then I dropped it within the fist 5 minutes.

As for why, well, in the first 3 minutes, there were 2 completely unrelated and completely pointless fanservice shots. The show opens up strong with a first person dream sequence that glitches out (literally glitches out like a TV; a pretty cool idea), and the girl speaking to our MC tells him to "Protect [her sister]," making it pretty obvious she's dead. So how do we follow this up? The MC jolts awake... face first into a stranger's tits.

WHY?! I was hooked. I was invested. You were building suspense than completely tossed that all out the window. This was literally at 1 minute in, by the way.

It was extremely odd, yet what was even worse is the fact that the show IMMEDIATELY tried to reestablish that suspense. Just a quick "That was my first tome being slapped," and the MC goes back to narrating his arrival to this island. We are told that he hasn't been home in a long time, but he's returning now because his childhood friend has died. Then we see a girl speeding towards our MC, and at 3 minutes in we get the 2nd example of tone/pace/suspense/immersion breaking fanservice as the girl flips into the see. The show takes this as an opportunity to subject us to a panty shot.

At this point I was completely out of it. Then I hear that this girl is the sister of the dead friend, and, like seriously? I don't care how compelling a character's story is Scratch that; it's even worse when a compelling character is introduced like that. How am I suppose to respect the show's drama when it apparently doesn't even respect itself?

Normally, I don't like to drop a show without giving it a chance, but when it's THIS egregious, how am I suppose to react? The part I hate the most is that it's completely unimportant to anything. If you needed to introduce the stranger for a future plot point, have him wake up grabbing her arm or simply bumping into her. If you wanted to show the sister is masking grief under smiles and energy or show that she's just THAT excited to see her friend again... JUST DON'T DO A CROTCH SHOT. It's seriously not that hard, and it wouldn't completely leech any drama from the work.

Some of you may scoff at how miniscule this seems, but I hope I made my case of how and why it's simply an absolutely horrible way to start any show and especially a mystery thriller. I know it's a shounen, and I was probably expecting too much. Still though, it's just so disappointing.