This weird narrative that Staley won’t be fired needs to die
Look I hate Spanos as much as the next guy. Maybe even more so because I’m honest in saying that he has seriously brought down my fanhood. I used to be a diehard and have seriously tapered back my love for the team in recent years.
But lately I’m seeing people on here speculating that they’re gonna keep Staley because the Spanos family is so cheap. But even though the family’s issues are mostly a mix of ineptitude, indifference, and nepotism, I would say that they (shockingly) still know when enough is enough. They at least understand when the solution is absolutely staring them in the face. Firing Staley at the end of the season is the can’t miss answer and they know it. It will 100% happen. Telesco will be gone also.
Now, what you need to worry about, is The Spanii hiring a GM and Head Coach that are as clueless or more than TT and Staley are now. And I absolutely expect that to happen.
BB and Harbaugh would demand either too much money or too much control away from that little fuck John Spanos who wants to play with his shiny toy that is the Chargers organization. The only way this organization improves going forward is if the Spanos family absolutely relinquishes all of their control in football operations. Because they have proven for the last few decades that they can’t run this organization.