hello. cgargers need to win.
hello. cgargers need to win. I think they cand o that becauz of him jarbaugh. jarbaugh has made this team gud somhow. we must also thank joel hurties. joel made tim telescope go away. brandeu stale was a bad coach. he did n t win to many games. he also seemed lik an ass hat sometimes. i will alzso review draft picks here. joe alternative was a gud pik. lettuce see if they can become joe main. nevers was a gud choice to but he is stzuck with dinny dames in niu York. i m glad that joel picked joe. ladede mackconkay was also a gud pik. he seems solid and wil grow. sometimes I still feel sad about kenyon allen tho. i like jarbaughs pic of colzon, but he will dvlop with time. i think the same for t he other players piked but also hav more interest in rice. rice is gud, it is a food. lettuce see if rice feeds. the broncos chose boo nicks. he is not hustin jerbert. jerbert is gud. nicks is bad. queefs piked worthless. worthless sems lik the queefs havnt gotten ove r a hill. hill is drowning in mami. raidless piked bowers. he seems gud. but it is a classic tim telescope pik. fuk the raidless. this szn will be gud. i tink we will make a playof. it is stil early tho. i tink we hav gud rush in bozo and mak. gilman and jaimes make our bakside gud to. jesus minter alzo make s gud calls. i hop we dont lose hi m next szn. after stale I needed a good dfense. on offense, AK dobbins is gr8. i luv that our o face is so gud. alternative and slate are tipto p. too many holes for AK to chuze from. the raidless game was gud too. i tink we owned them in the se cund half. the panters game was gr8. they are bad. but we did gud. david tipper also is no t a gud owner. cgargers r doing gud. we stil hav 15 mor games tho. i am mad at bi weak. i tink we had early bi last year to. but maybe that wil help jerbert this year. i am scared fer helth. he dosnt seem as durable as dad. dad was toni stark. but jerbert also plays more fiscal than dad. i pray evry day fer jerbert’s helth. go charge go.