How did you all officially get diagnosed?

I have always suspected that I might’ve had endo and PCOS from the age of 12 but these doctors never took my seriously and told me to stop eating cookies and cakes because I’m bigger🙄. They disregarded everything I said.

I’ve always had my periods on time but they’re always extremely heavy and now I’m too the point where my blood levels and hemoglobin are extremely low because of the constantly heavy bleeding from my cycles (I’m almost 29 now) and I get painful cramps. My PMS starts 2 weeks before my period and my mood and hormones are always all over the place. I get highs and lows of depression/anxiety during that time.

Lately I’ve had a pain in the right side of my pelvis that won’t go away and intimacy sometimes has light bleeding for me too. I got the right side pain during intimacy in February and it has never gone away. I got an ultrasound done and they said that I have no ovarian cysts. So idk what it could be. The doctor said that if i have no ovarian cysts, then it could be endo. I have to get an MRI done on my pelvis. I’m kind of sad because the doctor mention fertility issues if I have endo.

How did you find out that you had endo?