Solid cheap fender twin/deluxe alternative

Honestly, im a metal guy mostly. I play some garage rock and midwest emo sometimes and thats how i really cut my teeth but. I played a fender deluxe reverb one time and it was just everything i ever wanted. Ive also played a twin reverb and felt the same way.

I know that the tone master series exists and everything but i dont know if im fully sold, like when i hear people gun, and i mean gun a deluxe with an attenuator i just want that tone. I just dont know if the tone master is capable of that realistic full volume breakup, and at least in Australia, the discount is really not that much.

Twins go for $2500, tone masters go for $2000

I know the right answer is just to wait and buy the one i want, but i figure if someone knows a really good alternative what could it hurt.