
``` "residual" I woke up with this feeling and I wasn't even sure what it was, I've been so busy lately that I didn't even know what the date was today but some kind of internal clock was telling me what day today it was,

I just feel some kind of way today, not sure why but it could be because today would have been our anniversary, is that what I am feeling?

This sinking sensation in my stomach that is filtering the world into some kind of grayish hue making everything feel melancholic?

I've worked so hard to not be this depressed, to not let these types of feelings dictate my day to days but here I am again feeling some kind of way,

Or maybe it isn't that fact, perhaps it's something else that is bothering me, Maybe it's another lingering thing from some other memory I have repressed, Or perhaps just an imbalance from a condition that I don't understand, a chemical reacting to another in an unhealthy way that is creating this sensation,

Or it could just be that I am in fact missing you today even when I wasn't even thinking about you, why do these things linger?