I absolutely adore my husband.

I'm so happy we're finally starting to post happy marriages on here now. So I wanted to join. Me and my husband have been married for almost a year and alhamdullilah its been amazing, I love and adore him so much. He sacrifices and works so hard for us and I could never repay him for everything. I always can't wait to see him after work and greet him with a big smile. I always thought obeying your husband would be hard, but when you actually love him, it doesn't even feel like obeying him. I make sure as a stay at home wife that everything is perfect when he gets here, I'm just so happy to be married to such a wonderful pious man. I remember nights when I would wake up for tahajjud and make so much dua to marry him. I thank Allah for giving me such an amazing husband. And may Allah bless your marriages too!