The cut on my feet, it bleeds out red.\ The knife has dug through it, how can it easily fade?\ Which takes me back to the veins of my heart\ Shrivelled up, it takes the colour of black, like the strangled ribbons of my skirt.\ My brain is over-painted with dark grey hands,\ But I can still overthink in red against the black sands.
The time you took my hand in yours,\ My pupils were dilated to see in blurs;\ When the spring of your watch cut deep through my skin,\ O I was bleeding in red, But you said, "It's for repenting your sin".
I liked it when you gave me your red smile,\ And I wore a red dress under a red sky, which drew a line\ Between us. O, but here I was with my red lipstick,\ Red heels and a Ruby ring to not to appear meek;\ I know you hated it that way, so I painted my nails red,\ Red earrings, red bracelets, only to hope red wasn't the colour of rape.\ But you took me to the room so red,\ My every other hues dissolved when I saw the dead end.\ But red is a colour of love, isn't?\ Why did you use it to paint your sword then?
Homey, your veins weren't blue at our first meet,\ Because I saw everything in red when\ You saw everything in dangerous red.\ The red autumn leaves outside—they tend to write a saudade\ I remember how your red smile glistened through\ When I ran red blood through my fountain so blue.
What happened to my red cosmetics?\ O I see, you made them you paint brushes;\ But darling, why is my world so grey?\ When you hold up a paint brush so grey?
My red lips has kissed so many red lips,\ My red love had painted so many black hearts red,\ My red nails had touched so many swollen hands\ My red words had strangled so many throats too\ My red brain had bled open so many reputations too,\ My red lashes had scratched so many lives to death\ O, how ironic—I can't think in red near you\ Though my red daggers hang like stalactite needles.
But I had promised honey, when you gave me your heart so red,\ I owed you, for my heart blushed pink for you;\ But when you turned my heart so dark red,\ I knew I had to cut you red open with my crimson.