Not responding to Test
I’m 25 and have had low test like symptoms since 18 when I used finasteride and other 5AR inhibitors.
I’ve tried injections before. This is on 150mg test cream per day 4 clicks, sometimes up to 6 and mostly applied to scrotum and inner arms.
It’s been about a month on this now along with 1000-1500 IU of HCG MWF.
I have absolutely zero response to testosterone and feel no different than my natural levels at 500-500 ng/dL.
My other labs are usually normal such as Estradiol and Prolactin but they’re a bit elevated now because of the Test cream. Estradiol is 74 and prolactin 17. DHT is 2000.
The only labs that are always abnormal are Progesterone, DHEAS, and Pregnenolone. All three are usually double or triple the high end of the range.
I’ve tried lowering them with Hydrocortisone or dexamethasone for a few weeks but even when they’re lowered it doesn’t help my symptoms.
At this point these are my testosterone levels after a month. I think my androgen receptors are really messed up or maybe it’s something else entirely, but if that was the case I’d assume I’d have some sort of response to this level of testosterone.
Should I continue for another month to see if anything changes?
I would sincerely appreciate any advice.
Thank you
I’m 25 and have had low test like symptoms since 18 when I used finasteride and other 5AR inhibitors.
I’ve tried injections before. This is on 150mg test cream per day 4 clicks, sometimes up to 6 and mostly applied to scrotum and inner arms.
It’s been about a month on this now along with 1000-1500 IU of HCG MWF.
I have absolutely zero response to testosterone and feel no different than my natural levels at 500-500 ng/dL.
My other labs are usually normal such as Estradiol and Prolactin but they’re a bit elevated now because of the Test cream. Estradiol is 74 and prolactin 17. DHT is 2000.
The only labs that are always abnormal are Progesterone, DHEAS, and Pregnenolone. All three are usually double or triple the high end of the range.
I’ve tried lowering them with Hydrocortisone or dexamethasone for a few weeks but even when they’re lowered it doesn’t help my symptoms.
At this point these are my testosterone levels after a month. I think my androgen receptors are really messed up or maybe it’s something else entirely, but if that was the case I’d assume I’d have some sort of response to this level of testosterone.
Should I continue for another month to see if anything changes?
I would sincerely appreciate any advice.
Thank you