How long have you been watching wrestling? And have you ever taken a break from it?
And if you did take a break, what really brought you back?
I am 34 and was born into a family of WWE fans. I was watching WWE while learning to walk! Some of my oldest memories are of me running to get my pair of sunglasses when Bret Hart used to come out.
Somewhere around 2015 I stopped watching wrestling. It was simply because I was always out with my friends and just didn't watch much TV. I used to catch a PPV every now and then but I just couldn't get into the storylines. Fast forward to 2020, stuck in my home, going mad and it's WWE to the rescue! It was slowly going uphill until somewhere in 2022; somewhere around the time that Dom was feuding with Rey. And I was just like, wrestling is awesome! (again?) Started watching religiously. Even got some of my friends back into it.
In the age of streaming and video-on-demand, it's exciting to have something to look forward to weekly and monthly.