Win or Lose self insert art "CryBaby"
I'm so supposed to see there is already a Win or Lose subreddit! Figured I'd share this here
Just finished the show "Win or Lose" and figured I'd make my own episode art
I made my own "inner self" like Yuwens cardboard guy or Laurie little blob guy
Honestly me making the team would be the most unrealistic aspect considering I'm god awful at sports and can't run
But hey there's middle school Lucky for you I gues
Kinda rushed this so don't look too closely haha but it was fun to try replicating this art style!
I'm so supposed to see there is already a Win or Lose subreddit! Figured I'd share this here
Just finished the show "Win or Lose" and figured I'd make my own episode art
I made my own "inner self" like Yuwens cardboard guy or Laurie little blob guy
Honestly me making the team would be the most unrealistic aspect considering I'm god awful at sports and can't run
But hey there's middle school Lucky for you I gues
Kinda rushed this so don't look too closely haha but it was fun to try replicating this art style!