I still yell on speakerphone

I read something about the "Millennial pause" where self-shot videos by members of said generation often have a moment of dead air at the beginning because they check to see if their device has started recording before they start speaking.

I was reminded of this today when I once again caught myself yelling on a hands-free phone call in my car -- because I'm old and I still think it's gonna have the audio quality of a '90s speakerphone.

Those awful hands-free microphones did serve one purpose -- it was always clear when one was in use, so you could tell your friends "naw, take me off speakerphone". Now you can't assume a phone conversation is one-on-one because you can't hear if your dumbass friend is broadcasting your conversation on the city bus.

The truth is I've never entirely gotten over the way you can't hear your own voice through the speaker when speaking on a modern phone the way you could on a land line. I like to think I've mostly learned to fake it but probably 10%-20% of my phone conversations start with "can you hear me", as in "how does this blasted contraption work".

And I was always pretty tech savvy. I just miss that feedback