Rent points issue…

Hi I just wanted to post this for awareness. I saw another post in here regarding not getting the rent points for this statement because Bilt did not count their other transactions for this billing cycle. I noticed the same thing happened to me and I spoke with customer service and it got escalated as well and they ended up manually giving me points. Make sure you double check the that you’re getting your rent points.

Context: my billing cycle was Jan 7th-Feb 4th. I made 13 transactions within this cycle AND rent was due Feb 1st and that’s when I used my card for rent. It was then POSTED on my Bilt account on Feb 3rd (which is still before the cycle end date) and this problem still occurred…

Hi I just wanted to post this for awareness. I saw another post in here regarding not getting the rent points for this statement because Bilt did not count their other transactions for this billing cycle. I noticed the same thing happened to me and I spoke with customer service and it got escalated as well and they ended up manually giving me points. Make sure you double check the that you’re getting your rent points.

Context: my billing cycle was Jan 7th-Feb 4th. I made 13 transactions within this cycle AND rent was due Feb 1st and that’s when I used my card for rent. It was then POSTED on my Bilt account on Feb 3rd (which is still before the cycle end date) and this problem still occurred…