Is something wrong with me?
Hey everyone, so for context I am 22F and a virgin with no dating experience. I really liked this guy two years ago, but he rejected me and chose another girl and they are still going strong. Ever since then, I have had extreme body image issues, lost my self confidence and unable to feel attracted to men. I've had a couple of guys ask me out after (who were really amazing ) but somehow I just could not feel attracted to them, even though they were my type in every aspect. I just could not believe they actually liked me and I thought they were playing games. I also am TERRIFIED of the thought of having sex. It really scares me(I did not have this fear prior to the rejection). I also do not have my ideal body yet (Im not fat, just some extra cellulite and thighs chunkier than I would like them )and have a really bad acne flare up all over my chest and upper body, and the thought of being exposed to a guy scares me. A guy no matter how much of a green flag he is, will have needs. Any tips on how I can be open and not feel this extreme fear and get my confidence back? Also is it weird to be 22F and a virgin? I feel like I'm missing out, but I'm too scared to let someone in.