
I've collecting for 2 years now and over time i realized the best pen case for me is the Nomadic pf-05 N, and now my goal is to put the perfect collection that i can afford in this pen case 😆 My goal is Rotring 800 on the second slot and Pilot S30 in the 3rd slot and in the 4th slot is Staedtler Hexagonal silver, and in the 1st slot is Pilot Timeline Eternal. It will be a pretty long time of saving but i think it's doable if i skip lunch in school 😆 anyways if it come down too heavy in terms of price, I'll just change the R800 to R600 Ballpoint edition becauseiialready ordered it :) ( as EDC) that's all :). What about your collection? Is it finished?

I've collecting for 2 years now and over time i realized the best pen case for me is the Nomadic pf-05 N, and now my goal is to put the perfect collection that i can afford in this pen case 😆 My goal is Rotring 800 on the second slot and Pilot S30 in the 3rd slot and in the 4th slot is Staedtler Hexagonal silver, and in the 1st slot is Pilot Timeline Eternal. It will be a pretty long time of saving but i think it's doable if i skip lunch in school 😆 anyways if it come down too heavy in terms of price, I'll just change the R800 to R600 Ballpoint edition becauseiialready ordered it :) ( as EDC) that's all :). What about your collection? Is it finished?