Waluigi isn't worth putting in Smash.

Look, we all want our respective favorite characters in this game, and I don't want to rub salt in anyone's wounds, but I fail to see why he's worth the effort. And before anyone says it isn't much effort at all to add ONE additional fighter, yes. Yes it is. Unless you want a reskinned Mario or Luigi, they'd have to design the character from the ground up. And what would he do? Use a tennis racket? Would his final smash be a nine iron? Come on, be reasonable. Not supporting the game because a mustached meme wasn't included?

Waluigi was always a filler character created solely for the purpose of having an additional pick in Mario Party and the golf and tennis games when he first appeared. Its like... what? Should they add an unnamed Koopa or Goomba to the roster as well? I don't know, maybe I'm daft or I just don't get it, but it doesn't make sense, and its certainly not worth raging over or not buying the game.