CPR on significant other
I woke up yesterday to a loud noise. I went out into the hallway to investigate and saw something on the floor in the dark. I turned on the light and he was laying there, lips blue, making horrific grunting noises. I ran over to him and tried to wake him up and that’s when he stopped breathing. I checked for a pulse and breathing for 10 seconds and he didn’t have any. He even stopped moving at all. I called 911 and started CPR. The 911 operator kept telling me to take my phone off speaker but I was doing CPR. She hung up on me while I was still doing compressions. I guess I got lucky and he started breathing again but then started convulsing and trying to slam his head repeatedly into the floor. I got behind him so he wouldn’t further hurt himself and that’s when he started screaming. I kept telling him I was there and I had called 911 but he didn’t seem to be able to hear me or see me. By the time ems got to our house he was alert again and able to answer some questions. They took him to the hospital and the physician was so dismissive of what happened. I told him I did cpr for at least a minute because he had no palpable pulse and wasn’t breathing and his response was that I should have just put his legs up and he would have woken up. I’ve worked in a trauma ICU for several years as an RN and have done cpr many times, I know what someone who needs cpr looks like. I had to beg them to do a head CT as he smacked his face hard enough to fracture several teeth and I was concerned about possible head trauma. They only agreed so it “would make me feel better”. They wouldn’t even keep him for observation overnight and had me take him home. I checked my phone call log after I got home and based on the time duration, I did cpr for at least 4 minutes before he came back. I can’t believe they didn’t want to watch him overnight just because he’s young. I didn’t really sleep at all last night. I kept waking up in a panic to check that he was still breathing. I’ve done cpr so many times on so many people and I’ve always been able to leave it at work. I can’t shake this though. I’ve been having trouble walking down the hallway of the house or making eye contact with my partner because I can’t stop seeing him on the floor. I feel like I should just be happy he’s alive and I was able to bring him back but I can’t stop thinking it might happen again. I guess I just need to vent this out anonymously to some people who might understand or maybe went through something similar. I already have a counseling session scheduled but I don’t know that they’ll really be able to relate to what happened