Weird change in Kratom Effects
I started using Kratom on and off about three years ago. For a year and a half it was great. I’d feel euphoria and deep inner peace and I felt fine the next day with no hangover. At about the year and a half mark I started basically using once every day (about 10 capsules) and I started having more pain when not using. I also started having trouble waking up in the mornings (which I never had before with Kratom). My whole body felt sore and stiff, especially my feet. Shortly after that I started feeling fatigued and unmotivated every day. Now if I use Kratom for several days in a row I feel really bad for days afterward (like I’m 90 years old). Awhile back I checked my liver enzymes and a heavy metals panel and both were normal. Needless to say I do not get any euphoria anymore.
My dosage is actually going down and I'm using less frequently because I'm trying to quit this stuff, but the side effects are actually getting worse, not better. Has anyone else ever experienced such a dramatic change in the way Kratom effects them like this?