Can no longer justify health toll
42-M. Been using on and off for years. By last May I had tapered down to 2 or even 1.5 g powder a day. I also quit drinking. Started feeling so good. Feeling incredible and empowered. Spiritually connected. Even quit nicotine pouches. Was planning to jump off the low 1x per end of day dose when I hit a rough patch…
Long story short usage slowly creeped back up. By last November was trying to keep it at 6g /day but struggling. First months of the year been creeping up to 10-15g per day.
Over the last six months I’ve noticed a receding hairline and super low libido. I’ve been leaning into work so much and trying to get my feelings of well being with creative productivity… leaning harder and harder on the K and backing off of my rigorous exercise program.
Anyway, got bloodwork and a semen analysis that really shook me up. Elevated prolactin and low T. I researched it and whoa. It was there all along. This stuff wreaks havoc on your hormones.
Anyway jumping on here for support through this quit. I MUST turn this corner. CN hardly feel Nicotine In this state. Wondering if I should let that go while I’m basically bedridden and suffering anyway.