What do u want for ur transition??

I mean as in like do u want hrt, what kind of surgery r u planning or thinking abt, how ur goals and etc just anything that involves what u want. Also the way and shape u want ur body does count as a transition goals, I mean way and shape as in like i want to work out and i want to be skinny but muscular like my big brother built so yea.

I’ll go first, I want to start T (actually im in the process of doing so) i also plan on getting top surgery some point in my life i want to get into the gym, i do think T will make me a better person ngl and i also believe it or not want to make friends and find a partner and i think once im on T for a while I’ll be a better and happier version of myself so i think I’ll be more comfortable with myself as a person and i can make a better effort to socialize tbh. Also i been thinking abt metoidioplasty but idk I have mixed feelings