Tricare Select member wants to go to Military Clinic, how?


Brand new to Tricare. Triwest list for prociders is NOT CORRECT, as most of you have discovered. I went to an appointment and about to go to a specilaist based on the referral from my first appointment only to find out the my Doctor and the facility/organization that are listed as IN NETWORK with Triwest, and CONFIRMED by a call to Triwest are not really in network. Triwest called and confirmed while I was on the call that the hospital in question is no longer in network, Triwest person had no answer, oooops! sorry, I guess I will tell me supervisor.

Triwest provider list:

So, I decided I wil go the local military clinic (McChord or Madigan). It says on the Tircare site:

  • TRICARE Select is a self-managed care option: Unlike TRICARE Prime, which requires a Primary Care Manager (PCM), TRICARE Select allows you to choose any TRICARE-authorized provider. 

So I call the Puget Sound Military Appointment Center: 800-404-4506, they cannot find me because.....I am brand new and the person at the Appt Center says, Ohhh, you need to call Tricare to get Assigned to a Doctor, I said, really? I thought that was only for Prime members, as a Select member I can go anywhere, I just want to make an appointment or find a Dr at Madigan for a Space A appointment.....I was met with silence....they did not know what to do, told me to call Tricare. I called Tricare, they said you don't need to be assigned since you are Select, if they assigned me, I guess I would change to Prime.

So, how do I go see a Dr at a military clinic as a Select member? Do I just drive down and walk in and ask for next available Dr?

Anyone that is a Select member use a miltiary clinic? How did you do it?