Advice on what to do with a bunny

im not sure if this belongs here but im putting it here because i want to make sure i make the best decision for the rabbit.

there’s a long backstory to this but basically about 2 months ago my mom asked me if i wanted to watch her and my sisters rabbit because they’ll be traveling for like a month. she told me it’ll only be for the month they’re traveling but now it’s been almost 2 months so i asked my mom when she’s taking him back but now she said if she takes him back she’s going to sell him. she even bought a “replacement” i guess (a dog from a breeder in another state 😐)

anyway so now i have like no idea what i should do. im 17 and live with my other parent because my mom kicked me out like 2 years ago 💀 i also don’t have a job currently because mental health reasons and i don’t have a good way to get to a job because everything is kind of far and i don’t have my license yet.

i know taking care of a bunny isn’t easy because they’re rlly sensitive and get sick a lot and vet bills are expensive. he also isn’t neutered yet because i guess my mom didn’t care enough to do that for him even though she can easily afford to and reproductive cancers are common in rabbits. the parent im living with said i’ll have to be fully financially responsible for him and also keep him in my room. i don’t even think i have enough space in my room plus like we have carpet 💀

i wish my mom would just be an adult and take responsibility for him but yeah what would be the best thing to do in this situation? I feel so bad for the bunny that i feel like i need to keep him but i also know this would be like a big commitment so i’d really need to think about it. I know i’ll have to get a job eventually but i don’t think i could handle the extra stress right now plus im still in high school. i was thinking about at least saving up to get him neutered so when/ if he’s rehomed they won’t be able to use him for breeding. Im not even sure how much getting him neutered would cost