Who is a guy you want most in DB legend
Should MUI get a plat equip, or a Zenkai awakening this Anni?
Who would win?
Who wins?
who's your favorite character that is wacky/goofy
what's your favorite one sided fight?
How good r bad is this vegeta
Who is Your favorite characters with the power of water ?
who wins this free for all?
Give me characters who can beat Makima
Name a cartoon episode/moment that made you feel like this:
Fusing gogeta is shit change my mind
Favorite blue haired character?
What is a video game character on this list that you would want in Smash 6?
What is your favorite AoSth episode?
hue hue hue holding hue hue hue
Name me your favourite blonde character
What Anime you think first when you see this?
Which one of the big 3 would you say is the best?
What anime is this?
What anime did you realize was a masterpiece just from the first episode?
Name a character who can defeat The Meme Team. (Difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE)