Signed up for my first art of living silence retreat (part 2) - what should I except? Any tips?
I genuinely think 90% of the world is out of touch. Its unnerving... to a point it can be harder than what it should be...
Why it doesn't seem to help?
Weird Vibes from a Yoga Teacher Training—Is This Normal?
LPT: A trick to making good decisions: pick the option that will make life easier in the long term even if it makes life difficult in the short term
Pointless? Ineffective? Why am I doing this?
What does Art of Living mean to you?
Mantra for when I’m feeling left out / excluded
Regret from oversharing
If you plan on having a baby, plan on a kid, teen, and adult.
Who else uses wim hof method before mediation?
I have anger issues and i don’t know how control it
I hate being caught meditating
[Training Tuesday] - Weekly thread for questions about grad school, residency, and general career topics 03/11/2025
Does anyone else meditate nude?
I Smoked Bufo Alvarius. 5-MeO-DMT, Died and Came Back to Life (Here's what I experienced)
What made you learn SKY (Sudarshan Kriya)
I don’t really get Reddits hatred of religion. I feel like every religious person I’ve ever encountered has been relatively normal
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
The Day I Realized I Was Always Rushing Through Life
how/ why did my mental health improve after stoping going to the gym?
Med phys and pure math?
What's a movie you'll never watch again, no matter how good it was?
Are Actors Just Really Good Manipulators?
Being perceptive is both a blessing and a curse