Creator and Creation are different
Creator and Creation is different
Spirituality is not based on religion
Do you actually like your life?
Is mastrubation bad ?
Advaita Vedanta is Spirituality not religion
Yoga scientific research
What about the terror NDE's?
I get sudden visions with messages
A morning of drained devices and feeling different. Is anyone else feeling out of sorts today?
Dark Night of the Soul?
Death is only a door
Peaceful Today
Best physical practice our bodies were designed to do?
Communicating with deceased loved ones in dreams
Does this mean anything?
Someone put dead leaves on my mother’s grave?
Why should I care about Punarjanma / Mukti ?
YOU Are The Chosen One
Looking for insights and comfort
If souls are beginningless, how does God create them ?
Want Instant healing? Sit next to higher consciousness!
Holi is perfect representation of Advaita
Which Scripture Is Truly From God? Preservation & Science Hold the Answer!"