What happened to Anders?
Help me find my next series? something not on this list!
Looking for trippy shows or movies to watch while baked
Peak season 1?
I mean, this is crazy right?
Best Episodes to Show a Newbie?
After further evaluation of ep 1 of Original Sin…
The waitress
Does anyone else remember Tina?
Looking for psychological thriller
This dude looks so cool
This poor guy got roasted after his life ended
Hot Take about FTWD
Who is the person you HATE the most out of all the seasons (except you can’t say joe)
Do walkers eat you until your a skeleton?
Has Dexter ever GENUINELY laughed at something?
the best episode
TIL Rita was 5 months old at the time of her first marriage.
Mike in Dexter?
New Blood underrated?
Season 4 = Most overrated season
Why is young Dexter not Tanned? Like Debra said everyone's tanned in Miami else they are vampires.
Do you think he really just wanted a friend? Or better yet, to be a great friend?
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