I feel like the Greeks see themselves as the only Orthodox in the world. Every jurisdiction feels very isolated from every other jurisdiction. Can anyone relate?
Studying science is making me doubt my faith.
Is God the author of death?
Orthodoxy feels like a religion for intellectuals.
AMA former Orthodox monk
I’m scandalized by the stories I hear of homosexual sex in monasteries.
Books on Eriugena
I just want to give up the struggle and find a boyfriend.
How do I deal with the excruciating pain of this life?
Is heaven just ceaseless praise?
Being a Christian is making me depressed.
Which Christian denomination is the correct one?
I feel like my life has no meaning and there’s nothing to look forward to.
I have trouble believing in God
Nobility and Royalty in my family?
I’m really unsure if I actually believe.
Orthodox Christianity and doubt/agnosticism.
Question for Protestants: Why do you not accept Th Book of Sirach as scripture?
Constant doubts.
Struggling as gay Christian.
Orthodoxy and Same sex attraction.
Canada Day
Anyone just misreble all the time?
Any advice for a celibate Christian gay man who is misreble?
Gay and super depressed