Why did Jinx not use her Shimmer speed to get to Isha?
No offense but I genuinely question why people are usually so defensive towards Cecil and Harsh on Mark.
Honestly I hate it when a character and their powers have to be nerfed for "the story to happen."
I still find it hilarious how All Might,in the middle of a huge battle with his student,decided to goddamn aura farm and strike a pose in the middle of it.
What is his problem
Characters who would probably swear a lot if the they were in wasn't for kids.
I'm confused..whenever in animes or live action shows when one or 2 characters is being a asshole to another character..why doesn't said character just punch them in the face?
What would you guys say is a discussion about your favorite show that you always hear that has you like this?
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
No Wonder Why She Crashed The Train 😭🙏
Put these 4 in a Roast off,who is coming out on top and who will be the first one crying?
Name a favorite animated or non-animated couple is the embodient of this image?
I dunno how hot of a take this is but I feel like a lot of the Fandom either downplays or tends to ignore how Poppy is a insanely traumatized child.
Can anyone give me a valid reason to hate Poppy?
Congratulations Julia, you got what you always wanted.
Undoubtedly THE best change that the show made to the comics because I still for the life of me CANNOT figure out what the actual hell Garth Ennis was trying to do here.
Do you guys wanna know what I hate?when it feels like characters can't have flaws or make a mistake without Being seen as "a asshole" or shit like that.
What would a conversation between these two be like?
After watching S3 E2 I feel like mark is an a-hole
Due to eggman's current voice actor, Mike pollock being a... controversial figure to say the least, who do you think should be a new for eggman?
I am so tired of "trauma" and "found families"
Curious, what would you guys say is the most "Actually that'll be super Easy, barely a inconvenience" moment in One Piece?
Benson boner
Who's a Disney character that was a straight-up bitch? I'll start.
Do you think what Cecil did was a good idea?