Who is more evil.
Who is more devious?
Who has no screen time all the plot relevance
You love to see it
What is the first thing you see when you look at my art piece?
Do you think this is worth $24?
Little Ant Home
Am i the only one who adores Karen Hair Smallfry?
Happy to get this guy one of my favorites
I was scrolling TikTok and saw this. Whyyyy would they do that😭
My best age0 yet!
Guess the Dew!
Sharp cheddar and Homemade sourdough
Why Would You Pay for These?
3d printed portal gun
Today I was arceus’ favorite child.
Does it count if I have to draw it in😅
Is Meap me in St Louis finally going to be made as an episode in Season 5?
[Go] crappy IV‘s of course, but i love that thing. And it‘s XXL <3
How did that actually work?
I ordered a Cheat hoodie in November that still hasn’t arrived. Has anyone else had trouble lately with ordering merch?
Type “I want to beat…” and let autocomplete finish it.
Sourdough discard dog treats