If I had to witness this shit you guys did. Ask me any questions. I'm purple. I'm still completely and utterly mind blown and still feel quite sick i'm not gonna front
Employee Appreciation Day
Bees and chickens guide
“A” Galaxy
AITA for not being the designated driver on a double date?
whats even the point?
Y10S1 Prep Phase Battlepass Free Tiles Map
Might get banned for "cheats"
roommate “claimed” the living room as their bedroom 🙄
how is my top three most played operators attackers
Local shop selling ai paintings
Rust dev Alistair popping off at TTV
a truly horrific nightmare
Does this mean I only have 8 more quests to do for Skier?
Landlord trying to charge me for a replacement sink that I didn't break
My local pharmacy doesn't display any prices
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
What’s the biggest shoplifting fish you have caught.
Someone didn't check their pockets
No updates
Actually most intense moments of my gaming career (fucking diabolical luck/ unluck?=
Man built a full motion 737-800 sim in his kitchen
What stops you from simply replacing tc in an online raid?
Wife made redundant upon return from mat leave - England, 4 years with company
Knifesmith knifing in Blade Sports.