H: 100 Leaders per W: Q/25/25 10mm Pistol B/25/25 Assault Rifle Q/25/25 Gatling Gun
H: Mods W: 5 Unyielding
H: a Pinpointer mod W: 5 tasty yao guai roast :)
H: 50k fuel or Fusion Cells W: 15k caps for either
H:Nuka Cola six pack set, critter chunks, fuel canister and signal booster W:50 Brain Bombs and 100 Cranberry Relish
H: All 6 GP plans W: 100 leaders
H: 145 leaders W: Rare bat set (yellow pink indigo)
H: mods W: any offer other than steel
H: leaders W: GP Accelerated Nozzle + Stinging core mods/plans
H: Cranberry Bog Map 3 W: Pepper, salt, & Spices
H: 4 sawbones and 1 scanner W: 2* and 3* intelligence mod offer
H: Hellfire V2 Plan Set W: 30 Leaders
H: 14 Rejuvenators W: Pin pointers, Stabilizers. Aegis 1:1
H: mods W: vanguard and sent mods
H: Bruisers, Miasmas, Propelling W: Aegis, Pin Pointers, Pounders 2:1 ratio
H:Leaders W:Fully modded Gauss Shotgun
H: Canned Meat Stew W: Stabilizers 15 per, Pin Pointers 20 per
H: Responder ID w: Apparel Bundle offer or Legacies
H: 770 leaders W: offers
H: 40k caps W: civil engineer non rolled set
W: Rejuvenator’s | H: Ranger’s + Bully’s
H: Leaders W:4 reflective mods + 1 vampires mod
H: mod list W: offers
H: Arms Keepers, Thru Hikers W: Stabilizers, Sawbones, Rad Powered 2:1
H: some 4*mods W:offers or donations