H: 1000 tesla 9 mags W: Leaders/apparel offers
H: 2.2k leaders W: offers
2X Fiend Mask Giveaway!
H: 500 tesla 9 mags W: 1000 leaders
[XB1] H: 1000 tesla 9 mags W: Leaders or non mask apparel or tesla lobber
H: 1000 Tesla 9 mags W: Leaders or apparel offers
Whats your guys fav song off of chromakopia?
H: 1000 Tesla 9 W: Leader or apparel offers
4th day of giveaways!! Giving away the best gen 1 mask. To win tell me your favourite fallout you played :)
XBOX GIVEAWAY. Both scout masks rng 1-760
H: 400 Tesla 9 mags W: Leaders or FCJS
H: Raven giveaway to celebrate 200 karma! W: You to choose a number between 1-760
H: 15 Reflective mods W: Offers (Leaders/apparel/Tesla 9 mags)
H: TFJ W: leaders, apparel
H: 2 reflective W:40 Grognak the barbarian 1
H: forest camo and white powder jumpsuits. W: mod offers
H: GHB + Demon W: 10 Reflective Mods
H: Gsbq (450) GBD (350) W: Leaders
H: GSBQ (500) GBD (350) W: Leaders
H: Reflective mods W: 25 leaders each
H: Reflective mods W: 25 leaders per
Have a Spare Buffoon and Demon. Want to do a giveaway to help anyone who didn’t get one, Pick 1-500 for Buffoon 501-1000 for Demon.
since todd the great showed me mercy this fas the first person to guess my number between 1-500 will recive a winter man mask
Glowing Minotaur Giveaway!!
H: Leaders W: Reflective Mods