What’s yall’s favorite sidearm? My vote goes to the loyalist
Share your kill count below! here’s mine.
I don't think we're getting a tank anytime soon lads...
My house is constantly below freezing and it’s summer
A little edit i made on how things have been recently since the fall of angels venture (dont let the fade out in the middle fool you)
What are the positives/advantages of having ADHD?
Your last saved image image will now kiss you. How alright are you?
Do ya'll also always have that one guy?
What's your go to combo?
Fire meta is back!
Can I use a humidifier?
Thoughts on this enclosure kit?
Rate my setup
Hunter's 100% right, this IS the worst thing they've read so far.
Favourite song to Dive to?
Your Spotify is now the music your Helldivers listen to.
Buproprion and other possible DRI’s as an alternative to aderall
My leo only leaves her hide to drink water and eat her food is this normal
FLAM-66 is just better
Feeder insect tips for my new leo
Princess taking a little nap under some bark (and not in her expensive hide i got for her 🥲)
Your Leo’s Names?
The Terror
Terror Pt. 2