[xb1] H: tan USA + reverse fsa W leader offers
H: Demon W: Leaders
H: Leaders W: 2 Pin-Pointer
[XB1] H: reverse FSA + Tan USA W: quantum paddle or tfj
H: loon mask W: 25k bone
H:leaders W:combat knifes with reload speed
[XB1] H: Reverse FSA + Tan USA + Fcjs W: cherry paddle
H: GVeggie, GUni, GSBQ, GRobot,GPig,GHB,GBD, GAlien, and Responders outfit (not pictured) W: Apparel or Consumables
H: 1300 Nuka colas W: Leader offers
2X Fiend Mask Giveaway!
H: crazy guy x2, deathclaw, and demon W: to sell them in a package for leaders
H: AAE90 204 BPR W: Offers
H: AAE15 ult laser W: leader offers
H: 4 star tradeable combat knife W: leader offers
H: Legacy 419 dragon W: offers
H: 419 dragon W: offers
H: 1300 Nuka colas W: offers
H: AAE15 ult laser W: offers
H: 4 star tradeable combat knife W: offers
H: Caps or Trade W: Furious Legendary Mod
H: 1 Demon mask and 1 deathclaw mask W: Enclave precise stock
H: combat knife W: offers
H: F/SS/S/P tradeable combat knife W: offers
H: f/40ss/3s/pounders combat knife W: offers