H: 1400 leaders W: responder fireman set
H: 100 leaders W: some canned coffee, cranberry relish, and brain bombs (will give more leaders depending on amount of each you give)
H: USA W: offers
H: photos W: offers
H: tlc fcjs W: offers
H: tlc fcjs g Bigfoot g uni W: other apparel offers
[XB1] H: TFJ W: Offers
H: 1400 leaders W: apparel offers
H:Pet Rock W:Non Leader Offers
H: glow Bigfoot W: lc
H: fcjs tlc glowing uni glowing Bigfoot W: offers
H: glowing Bigfoot glowing unicorn tlc fcjs W: offers
H: Fas Masks W: Leaders, open to bundles or other offers. Also looking for Reverse USA and Ultracite Jet pack Legs.
H: Glowing bigfoot W: Leaders
H: glowing Bigfoot glowing unicorn W: apparel/leader offers
H: glow Bigfoot glow uni glow jack W: offers apparel or leaders
H: Gjack, Gbigfoot, G Abe W: offers/ leaders
H: tlc and fcjs W: offers
H: ghb x2 gsb x3 gturkey gmino and 700 leaders W: glowing jack
H: down below w: leaders other offer welcome
H: glowing bigfoot x2 W: apparel or leaders (no fas masks unless jack)
H: What you're looking for W: G Alien, G Uni or G Bigfoot
H: question W: answer