Do I have to recite behind the Imam
What would you do differently ?
Reciting behind Imam and periods
Most popular Sudanese flag redesign concepts, which one is your fav?
boyfriend leading me off the right path
What's your Sudanese unpopular opinion?
What are the good things about joining Islam?
Which west african country do Sudanese like the most?
Who really needs the 5 Million
Ebook request: Broken Dreams by Qudrah Adam
Traveling to Niamey Niger
Grateful for my 13th Umrah Trip!
Favorite things about Lily? POSITIVE COMMENTS ONLY PLEASE 🙏
Question for the Sudanese men
I want to convert to Islam can some help me?
It's finished!!
Aren’t SAF and Burhan bad ?
My fellow Muslim brothers and sisters from Europe, what are some of the halal ways you try to meet people?
Anyone from Niger?
how do ghanaians generally feel about the lebanese community?
Missing my home
Share some love for upcoming Sudanese Authors