The superstar in your birth-month challenges you to a hell in a cell match… are you winning?
Who’s getting aux?
How do you deal with dress code?
If you could push a button, and gain +$1,000,000, but the consequence is that 1 million people in a country of your choice die, would you press that button? And if so, for what country?
Do you find yourself uncomfortable complimenting guys?
Is it childish to have posters in a bedroom
Would you date a vaper?
If Rivers Cuomo and Prince got into a fight, who would win?
Velvet Underground has won for V! Now who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with W?
Pink Floyd has won for P! I had to skip Queen and gave it an automatic win bc ik it was gonna be unanimous. Anyways, Who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with R?
What subreddit should I post this in
Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: L
A message we can all agree upon
Need new music to listen to!
Tell me your name and I’ll add it on my shirt
Damn automod you really should get a life
Best *band* starting with letter K?
They aren’t wrong but still
What is your last saved image?
Undertaker wins top comment for the greatest WWE superstar of all time. Who's the 2nd greatest WWE superstar of all time?
is mitosis welcome here
lil check in here