who is the best dressed? (in your opinion)
Day 5: sloth machine
If you had to choose one, which unofficial princess would you add in the official lineup? 👸🏽✨💝🏰
Day 4: green with envy
were the writers on crack
What do you think the debut album would have been called if it wasn’t self titled?
day four— in a horror movie, who is too cute to die? winner of day three (tries to protect others) is nate based on upvotes and comments
Ariana says “wear shave” — Name something Steve Harvey might wear to disguise himself in public
Anyone have a song??
Elimination game: who's out next?
Did Katherine ever truly love anyone? 🩵🔪
Day 3: who's the Greediest of them all?
discography answer boxes - most underrated song
Day 2: Gluttony
If you're in this class, who would you want as your benchmate and why?
I’m getting fed up with this
which scene in which movies were the most disturbing to watch as a kid?
Gossip Girl Emojis
What sign(s) do you feel you are least compatible with or rubs you the wrong way?
Let's play another game! GG characters as the Seven Deadly Sins
Danielle apologists…