What to talk about on date? Help!
Wondering if anyone else feels this way??
Need a name!!
Which loa content creators actually have helped you get results?
Giving 10 free readings just dm me!
Future lover readings
What's your moon sign , and what kind of person are you in love?
Anybody with a Rising Sign the same as their Sun Sign? What was it like?
Give me your big 3 & I’ll tell you the signs of who I think you should date!
Oh my god I can’t edit…
What signs crush on you
advice needed!
Shaving down there…
lmao what’s the top 3 best signs for a libra just out of curiosity
Why do people hate Aries?
Which sign is the most common around you and which is the rarest?
What if I never meet someone as good as my ex ever again?
I am a Pisces and that’s why I’m a big boy I don’t have to worry anymore lol
Name the most Difficult Debilitations to have?
Aspiring actor based in LA would like to know the your recommended program can be 3 month program to 4 years film schools preferably thanks if you need any further info lmk
Weekly Tech Support Megathread
I’m a park ranger and I found a town that doesn’t exist.
Acting since I was 22, Meisner trained, in and out of acting class due to finances, done 60+ auditions and only booked 2. This is a recent audition I've done that also didn't workout. What could I do better?