I don't think I can continue fasting
I'm too scared
What’s the hottest place you’ve been to in your life?
Please tell me it's ok to fly and I will be safe
After a lot of anxiety, I did it!
Viral Gastroentitis, norovirus or covid?
Can't stop throwing up please help
What is a smell that reminds you of a memory?
I did it!
Flight in 1 hour
Flight in few hours
followers keep dropping...
Alguém que escreva no wattpad e queira fazer leitura por leitura?
Sudden drop of followers, what is happening?
On a flight right now… pilot said it might get rough. Terrified.
The difference between a specialist and non-specialist reading an MRI
Looking for the Endo girlies with digestion issues
Is there any research/studies about endometriosis causing upper abdominal pain/gastrointestinal symptoms?
I did a colonoscopy and endoscopy but I still get the symptoms that made me do it
Intense recurrent abdominal pain
Genuine Read for read?
How does intolerance works?
Squid intolerance???
Just did my colonoscopy and endoscopy it's really not that scary
Can't move my arm properly after superficial anesthesia/sedation