How to get this trade over the finish line?
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Shiny Shadow Regice confirmed
Get Mikey on it, we need to recruit this guy.
Bird only run
[Discussion] What player this season has secretly declined and not many people have noticed it?
Sometimes we just want to play the game.
nuzlocke only using my favorite of each type
Pokemon Gold and Silver community nuzlocke tier list part 11 Route 36
Beat the ice gym… platnium… am I cooked?
Feta cheese poutine
Does anybody else like to have a fighter/enforcer in the AHL?
People taking your tables, normal a Tim Hortons?
Could Hughes target two potential 2Cs?
I have acquired
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
What should my last 3 slots be?
I love how they make donuts its so stylish
Tim Hortons
Why do players clear a gym, then leave it empty?? Someone in my neighborhood does it all the time.🤦🏿♂️
I got 5 shinies today (in order)
Breakfast deluxe hamborg
Oh. My. God.
Did anyone else notice this
I tried Club House's brown gravy. Much better than homestyle.
Reddit on!! 🤓