H: Glowing Jack W: Leaders and or Apparel
H: 2500 Mire 2 Maps. W: Any of the following listed mods (See description)
H: Glowing Jack W: Leaders and or apparel offers.
H: Glowing Jack W: Leaders or rare apparel
H: glow veggie W: bulk coffee quantums and grapes
H: 1700 leaders + full rare fas collection W: glowjack
H: red asylum W: LC
H: 22k Coffee W: Glowing Jack
H: 10k Coffee W: Glowing Veggie
H: FCJS & Leaders W: Red Asylum
H: 2x Glowing Jack W: 2.2k leaders each
H: 30k Coffee W: Red Asylum or Leaders
H: Leaders, Mods,Fast Mask W: Plans from list
H: Brahmin x1, Crazy Guy x1, Deathclaw x3, Demon x1, Hag x 1, Raven x1, Winterman x1. W: Leaders, BOSJS, or WPJS
H: Ultracite Calibrated Shocks W: Leaders
H: 100 leaders W: 800 sunshine oil
H: Brahmin x1, Buffoon x1, Crazy Guy x1, Deathclaw x3, Demon x1, Hag x 1, Raven x1, Winterman x1. W: Leaders, BOSJS, or WPJS
W: as much Coffe you can give me. H:caps and Leaders